Online Bingo

The new game of bingo online directly from state monopolies, each drawing is generated by monopole and officially registered in their database, there are 4 different tables and each has a different cost per card and a jackpot variable, you can buy, in some cases, up to 180 folders at a time.

Great bingo site in different languages, available in English. Its beautiful, and simple graphics do I do the best online bingo sites on the net present many tables and many daily jackpot. Play Bingo for years collects the reviews on the best bingo halls to play bingo online offers important insights on the basics of the game, provides daily updates via the News section and these tricks and strategies to increase their chances of victory in each game of bingo online.

Playing Bingo is run by a group of experienced players in the industry and land bingo virtual bingo with the main prerogative of creating an information space independently and continuously updated on the virtual world of bingo.

Play bingo online for free is just fun and exciting, but by studying and understanding the full game is certainly possible to do more to win during each game. It is also essential to follow a reliable guide and managed by industry experts that advise the best online bingo halls (and therefore the best Italian casino) that offer the best gaming software, the best bonuses and promotions and the best service.

The real birth of the game of bingo is, however, attributed. He participated in a game called "Beano", whose dynamics were very similar to our existing bingo. Each player had a number of folders on which was to identify, with dried beans, the output of the winning number drawn at random by an auctioneer. The numbers were painted on wood chips in a bag and contents ranged from 1 to 90.

The first who managed to score all the numbers stored on your folder it was Lowe who, at the moment of victory, instinctively shouted the word "Bingo". It was from that moment that all winnings started to be advertised with that word. The real growth of bingo occurred since the 50's when, following the birth of television, the reason to come down cinemas, bingo was attributed to a role of attraction, in order to entice more people to attend the cinema.

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